Everything Everything [A Review]

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

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   [Image courtesy of Amazon]

This is a love story, YA-style, with a little twist at the end (or maybe not). 

I found this book at a warehouse book sale over the weekend, found the premise interesting, and added it to my basket of cheap buys. Heck, I didn’t even know it was made into a movie that came out earlier this year.

The narration bordered on being touching and corny – I still can’t decide which. But I must say that Nicola Yoon has a pretty dreamy way of writing, and the book definitely reads like a teenager writing, not something that comes out of a mother in her forties. (It’s a compliment.)

Oh, and she writes the darndest quotable sentences. (Read the book to find them for yourself.)

The little twist at the end was a nice surprise, but it also bordered on a typical “happily-ever-after” fairy tale ending.

Oops… did I just give away the ending?

VERDICT: This is for anyone who wants to be transported to a dreamy puppy love feel-good-at-the-end world for a couple of hours.

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